Why Worry?
Why Worry?
Matthew 6:25-34
Greg Pollak
Matthew 6:25-34
Why Worry?
1. God will handle the food.
Matthew 6:25-26
1 Corinthians 6:20
Matthew 6:25-26
1 Timothy 4:8
2. God will handle our days.
Matthew 6:27
Deuteronomy 32:39
Job 14:5
Psalm 39:4
Psalm 139:16
"A person's survival depends on divine sovereignty, not human anxiety." - Matthew Henry
3. God will handle our clothes.
Matthew 6:28-30
4. God will handle everything
Matthew 6:31-34
How do I stop worrying?
Trust God. He can handle it.
Follow God. Do what He says. Be a giver not a taker.
Philippians 4:6-7
Connection Builders
Share with your group something fun or unique you did over the break with your family.
When you were in Junior High/High School what was THE THING people at your school were wearing or had that everyone tried to get?
Sermon Questions
Read Matthew 6:25-34.
If you had zero worries for one day, how would your life look different?
What do our worries reveal about what we value most?
Why do you think we often believe that worrying is "doing something"?
How does knowing you are valued and loved by God change the way you approach your needs?
If someone examined your daily habits, what would they say you prioritize most?
What does it practically mean to "seek first the kingdom of God" in your life?
What is something you worried about in the past that never actually happened?
How does focusing on today help us trust God for tomorrow?
What is one things you need to release to God today?