Here at High Pointe, we want parents to feel comfortable dropping their children off into the care of others. We work hard to maintain fun, safe and secure environments while sharing the good news of Jesus with our littlest High Pointe attenders. We also want you to have uninterrupted time to worship, grow closer to Jesus through His Word, and have time to fellowship with others.
Amanda Carter

If you have any questions at all about how our Children’s Ministry works at High Pointe Church, please find Amanda before or after service, or email her. We want your kids’ experience at HPC to be a great one, and she can help!
Jamie Detrick

The Infant Room is for newborns until they are 1 year old and walking. The Toddler Room is for children who are 1 year old (and walking) up until 3 years of age. These rooms are designed to be safe, fun, loving environments that allow your child to explore and play. These two environments are open every Sunday at 9:45 am.
Melissa Walker

This room is for 3 year olds. Three year olds will be taught a biblical lesson using Regular Baptist Press curriculum. There is a significant amount of exploration and creative play too. This environment is open every Sunday at 9:45 am.
During the school year, kids in our PreK - 5th Grade Rooms will learn about God's word through Answers in Genesis' Sunday school curriculum. These environments are structured and teacher-directed but are still intended to be fun, active learning environments. These environments open at 9:50 am. These environments do not meet the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday) or when we have special events during the service (such as testimonies & baptisms).

PreK (4s & 5s)
Nan Veach​

Nicole Vannoy

1st Grade
Kenzie Bernal

2nd Grade
Val Gjersvik

3rd-5th Grade
Shelli Doran
All children must be checked in electronically at one of our Check-Ins stations to enter any environment.
First Time Families: These stations are to the right as you enter the foyer. At these stations, you’ll be greeted by friendly volunteers who will create a profile for your family in our database. Once that is completed, we’ll get your child’s name tag & security code printed, get you a parent security tag and walk you to the classroom. We’ll explain some important safety and security measures we have put in place too. This process takes 10-15 minutes, so please come early so you don’t miss praise & worship!
Self Check-Ins: These stations are for our returning families and are to the left as you enter the foyer. At these stations, you’ll be greeted by a friendly volunteer who can answer any questions you have about our environments that morning. You will use the iPads to check your kids in by simply inputting your phone number. You’ll receive your child’s name tag & security code, as well as your parent security tag and be on your way.
Only HPC staff and volunteers are allowed inside the classrooms, but feel free to stand in the doorway and peek your head in the rooms to take a look around. All staff and children’s ministry volunteers over 18 years old have completed a background check. When the service is over and it’s pick-up time, our volunteers are diligent in asking to see the parent security tag for each and every one of the kids. Remember to keep track of the parent security tag you were given at Check-Ins. Most parents stick them to their shirts/pants–that’s why they’re sticky!
During the service, you’ll notice alphanumeric codes popping up on the projection screen. These are the children’s security codes printed on their name tags. When you see one pop up on the screen, check to see if it matches the code you were given at Check-Ins. If the code matches yours, your assistance is needed. Please go to your child’s room, and remember to bring the parent security tag with you! If you have multiple children in your family, we recommend going to the youngest’s room first.