Truthful Words and Lives
Truthful Words and Lives
Matthew 5:33-37
Darin Struble
  - Matthew 5:33-37
Jesus wants His followers to...
1. keep the oaths they've made.
  - Numbers 30:1-2
  - Deuteronomy 23:21-23
   - Vows to God are fine.
     - Numbers 6:1-8
     - Psalm 132:1-5
     - Genesis 14:22-24
   - Vows to others are fine
     - Hebrews 6:16
     - Genesis 24:2-4
     - Genesis 26:31
2. avoid careless (insincere) oaths.
  - Matthew 5:34-36
  - Matthew 23:16-22
  - Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
3. live lives of simple authenticity (truthfulness).
  - Matthew 5:37
  - Isaiah 65:16
  - Psalm 51:6
  - Philippians 1:9-11
  - Philippians 4:8
  - Proverbs 6:16-17
  - Proverbs 12:22
  - Revelation 21:8
1. Value truth.
2. Fear God.
3. Keep your word.
4. Keep it simple.
Connection Builder(s)
-Describe the worst outfit your parents ever made you wear.
-Share a defining moment in your life and how it impacted you.
Sermon Questions
Read Matthew 5:33-37 and Matthew 23:16-22.
1 - God's original design for human speech is that it be marked by straight-forward truth-telling. God's law allowed and gave instructions for oaths. However, during the time of Jesus, it was common to swear by almost anything, and it was also common to attempt to get out of following through with an oath. How does Jesus' teaching on truth-telling in Matthew 5:34-37 get to the heart of the problem Jesus saw?
2 - How does Jesus heart-level instruction about speech make numerous and insincere oaths unnecessary?
3 - In the application section of the sermon, which point (value truth, fear God, keep your word, or keep it simple) resonated most with you? Why?