To God Be the Glory
To God Be the Glory
Jude 24-25
Darin Struble
To God Be the Glory!
Jude 24-25
To God be the Glory...
He keeps us from stumbling!
 -Keeps:phylasso, foo-las'-so:to guard (preserve) a person
   - John 10:28-29
   - John 17:12
   - 2 Peter 2:4-5, 9
  -Stumbling - aptaistos, ap-tah'-ee-stos:not stumbling, standing firm, exempt from falling
   - Psalm 121:3
   - Psalm 18:33
   - 1 Corinthians 10:13
   - Philippians 2:13
He presents us in His presence blameless!
  -Stand - istemi, his'-tay-mee:to cause to stand
   - Romans 14:4
  -Blameless - amomos, am'-o-mos:without blemish, faultless, unblamable
   - Ephesians 1:4
   - Colossians 1:22
He presents us in His presence with great joy!
  -Great Joy - agalliasis, ag-al-lee'-as-is:extreme joy
   - Luke 1:14
   - Luke 1:44
   - Ephesians 5:27
   - 1 Peter 1:19
   - Ephesians 1:4
   - Colossians 1:22
   - 1 Thessalonians 3:13
He Saves us!
   - Jude 25
   - Isaiah 43:3
   - Isaiah 43:11
   - Isaiah 45:21
   - Matthew 2:21
   - Acts 4:12
   - 2 Timothy 1:8-10
He remains faithful forever!
  -Glory - doxa, dox'-ah: majesty:that which belongs to God (kingly majesty)
   - 1 Peter 4:11
   - 1 Peter 5:11
   - Revelation 1:6
  -Majesty - megalosyne, meg-al-o-soo'-nay:greatness, divinity
   - Hebrews 1:3
  -Dominion - kratos, krat'-os:manifested power
   - 1 Timothy 6:16
   - Revelation 5:13
  -Authority - exousia, ex-oo-see'-ah:the power of rule or government
  - Matthew 28:18
 - Jude 25
  - Psalm 146:5-6
  - 2 Timothy 2:13
 - Resolve to give God glory.
 - Run to God when you feel you cannot stand.
 - Remember your salvation is from God alone.
 - Rest in God's forever faithfulness.