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Strife or Contentment?




Strife or Contentment?

Philippians 4:10-13

Darin Struble

Philippians 4:10-13

Content: sufficient for one’s self, strong enough or possessing enough to need no aid or support, independent of external circumstances, contented with one’s lot, with one’s means, though the slenderest.

- Psalm 73:25-26

How could Paul be so content? What was his secret?

1. Paul had faithful partners.

- Philippians 4:10

2. Paul learned from his experiences

- Philippians 4:11-12

- 2 Corinthians 11:23-28

3. Paul looked to Jesus for strength

- Philippians 4:13 

We can experience contentment if…

1. We grasp the impact of generosity.

- Acts 20:35

2. We weigh the course of our life.

3. We walk by faith with Jesus

- John 15:1-5

- Ephesians 1:3

- John 7:37-38

4. We live in the strength and love of Jesus.

- Romans 8:18

- Romans 8:28

- Romans 8:31

- Romans 8:37-39


Connection Builder

What do you look back on as the happiest days of your life? Do you wish for such happy days to be here again? Or were they not that good (or free of hardship)?

Sermon Questions

  1. What does it look like to be content? What examples have you seen?

  2. To what extent is joy the emotional response to contentment? What do you think is the emotional response to discontentment?

  3. How do you think Paul discovered the secret of being content? By...

    1. reading the OT?

    2. writing a lot of the NT?

    3. going to Temple everyday?

    4. getting what he wanted?

    5. graduating from the school of hard-nocks?

    6. other?

  4. Where do people look for contentment? What brings you contentment?

  5. What outside force is most likely to upset your contentment? Since God does not always change negative outside forces, what can He change in you so that contentment is possible?

  6. When have you heard verse 13 quoted? How have you heard people use it?

  7. What is verse 13 referring to? How does that challenge you?

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