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Lord, Hear Our Prayer
Lord, Hear Our Prayer
Matthew 6:9-15
Greg Pollak
Matthew 6:9-15
Genesis 4:26
Colossians 4:2
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Purpose of Prayer to God
1. God wants intimacy with us.
Matthew 6:9
Romans 8:15
Galatians 4:6-7
2. God is put in His proper place.
Matthew 6:9-10
John 17:1
John 17:4
John 17:6
Matthew 6:9-10
3. Show our dependency and need of transparency
Matthew 6:11-15
Philippians 4:6-7
Matthew 6:11-15
Ephesians 4:32
Matthew 6:14-15
1 Peter 3:7
Matthew 6:11-15
James 1:13-15
What prevents a purposeful prayer life?
 - Apathy
 - Anger
 - Arrogance
   - James 4:1-2
What enables a purposeful prayer life?
 - Awareness
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